Transporting livestock

    • New

    Dear friends,

    What do people think is the best way to transport butterfly/moth eggs on a long distance air flight?

    In hand luggage?

    In the hold?

    Would the eggs be exposed to more radiation from scanners in the hold or in hand luggage?

    Any thoughts

    Best wishes


    Liebe Freunde,

    Was ist Ihrer Meinung nach die beste Art, Schmetterlings-/Motteneier auf einem Langstreckenflug zu transportieren?

    Im Handgepäck?

    Im Frachtraum?

    Wären die Eier im Frachtraum oder im Handgepäck einer stärkeren Strahlung durch Scanner ausgesetzt?

    Irgendwelche Gedanken?

    Viele Grüße


  • AD
    • New

    Please have a look at this post:

    March 26, 2024 at 1:09 PM

    Regards, Karl

    • New

    Hi Karl

    Thank you for directing me to the previous thread.

    I think hand luggage is best. The hold is Ok, but I think on long haul can get cold, although I suppose if nicely wrapped up in insulation should be Ok

    A few years ago, I did have a poor hatch rate of eggs that I put in hold after a long haul flight.

    Sometimes it is bad luck

    Best wishes


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