My female mated the very next day after hatching with a 4-5 day old male. It was a natural pairing in a net cage so I assume it went well for the egg fertilization...
Posts by Daphnis79
und wieviele eier hast du so weit erreicht?
Wie gross is dein Aerarium?
Hi Jason,
you can experience by yourself as Attacus atlas is really prone to eating many species. You can feed them for sure on Prunus laurocerasus (cherry laurel) and Ailanthus (tree of heaven) but if you have other shrubs or trees in your area you can try all of them and see if they accept it or not. Look up on this link the complete listing of all possible fodder plants for Attacus atlas: -
Ja, sie sind wohl gefuettert und lasse sich auch in meinem Zimmer fliegen. Tatsaechlich ist die Eiablegung das einzige problem, sie fuettern sich allein auch!
Hi all,
I'm at the first experience with breeding M. peleides. I have a pair of specimens who naturally paired and now the female has the abdomen full of eggs. I keep the cage in the sun during the day and in the evening I supplement a strong reptile light to trigger the egglaying on twigs of wisteria or black locust but so far i just got 7 eggs and the female smmes to start suffering not being able to eject all of these eggs. Can anyone help with some advice? -
Vermutlich ist es nah der Verpuppung. Wie soll ich mich mit ihm besorgen?
Bitte um Hilfe um diese Art zu erkennen.
I would say here on is the best marketplace for exchanging and purchasing livestock. I tried out some UK website seelling butterfly livestock but I had several inconveniences and delays, so in the end it's better to help us one another in this portal :-)))
Dear Friends,
I am quite new to breeding butterflies and I'm starting to have my first surplus of livestock material. I would like to be instructed by you on how to dispach eggs, caterpillars or pupae the safest way possible.
In particular:
- which courier do you suggest
- how to pack livestock and where to find the appropriate packaging material
- how to book a shipmentThanks to you all for your help.
And in fact, they were all good! I have plenty of hatchlings born this very morning going round the breeding box!
Hello everyone,
A Quick question: is there a way to understand whether Daphnis nerii eggs are fertile or not? I have a female that laid down a good number of eggs on an oleander branch inside the cage but I'm not quite sure She mated with the male with her.
Thanks for your feedback. -
I am attempting at breeding Caligo larvae for the second time: the first time it went wrong because I fed them with Calathea leaves. They initially seemed to accept it but a fter a few bites they would finally start wandering about the box and òet themmselves starve. I am making a second attempt with Canna leaves but still the same. Where am I going wrong?