i would like to know if they eat the food to
Posts by Kayh
i would.spend up to 25€ for a food calendar...
But for me.. if it does nog have a moon schedule i would not buy it because i use it to plan my night trapping. The photos are beautiful!
I don't know if you take it into account yourself, I buy a calendar because of the beautiful photos, but for me it should also contain a moon schedule when it is a full moon, a quarter moon and a new moon. maybe an idea to remember
i would not order there
Ich habe das gleiche Problem, In meinem Fall laufen die Raupen,
fressen eine Weile und hören dann auf zu fressen.
Ich gebe ihnen Salix und Fagus sylvatica f. purpurea..
Franz, wenn du genug hast, würde ich wirklich gerne ein Paar übernehmen
the ''maas'' had flooded and washed everything away.
what's starting to grow is now about 2cm tall,
not ideal for breeding,
I want to release some of it, but also for breeding
okay uwe... i'm talking about transfer
how long can hyles euphorbiae hibernate/diapause at 10c/12c in the fridge?
they have bin in there from septermber/october.
still no hostplants here.
breeding question,
how easy or difficult is it to transfer the Antheraea yamamai from Crataegus to Fagus?
the caterpillars are in different life stages
you can easily take some ova with you in your hand luggage,
not in the hold (pressure and temperature differences are too great)
put them in a tick-tock box, in an empty pen case,
something that is sturdy and does not break or dent,
with cotton wool or paper so they don't get shaken up too much.
can some one help me with tips.. how to THEORETICAL breed the willowherb moth?
hello toni,
I can not edit the thread
Ik wil graag wat tips ontvangen voor het kweken van gevonden proserpinus proserpina.
hoe gemakkelijk is het om te groeien?
wat en hoe eten vlinders het liefst?
Paren ze snel?
leggen ze snel eieren? enz
Deze is niet te koop maar voor paring, kweek en vrijlating, tips en advies.
thank you for the info!
Macroglossum stellatarum on ligustrum,
today I saw a Macroglossum stellatarum laying eggs on ligustrum.
nothing can be found online about this host plant. Does anybody have experience with this?
can the Antheraea yamamai caterpillars be found with Blacklight?
hallo, ich habe zwei deilephila porcellus aus freier Wildbahn,
sie haben sich verpaart und sind in einem nachtkäfig,
für futter ist gesorgt und die wertpflanze ist auch da.
nur das Weibchen will keine Eier legen,
wo liegt das Problem?
hello, I have two deilephila porcellus from the wild,
they have mated and are in a night cage,
food is provided and the value plant is also there.
only the female does not want to lay eggs,
what is the problem?
Display Morehallo, ich habe zwei deilephila porcellus aus freier Wildbahn, sie haben sich verpaart und sind in einem nachtkäfig, für futter ist gesorgt und die wertpflanze ist auch da. nur das Weibchen will keine Eier legen, wo liegt das Problem? hello, I have two deilephila porcellus from the wild, they have mated and are in a night cage, food is provided and the value plant is also there. only the female does not want to lay eggs, what is the problem?
Hello Actias members..
Coming spring i'm again night hunting (light) for several hawk moths.
I have caught several species of hawk moths using the lights,
other than using the lights i want to try and use a ''lure cage'' to attract the males.
Does any one have some ideas for making or buying a good night lure cage.
I have an idea (see the drawing) photo 1
Open to suggestions, ideas and drawings or photos...
What works for you?
P.s other photos are made this year.
Night catching using lights.
Realy interesting...
But not an answer to my questions