A. mimosae, Dauer der Puppenruhe

    Hallo zusammen,

    hat jemand Erfahrung mit der Zucht von A. mimosae. Ich habe eine größere Anzahl von offensichtlich gesunden und vitalen Puppen dieser Art, die seit gut 4 Monaten vor sich hin schlummern. Wie lange dauert in der Regel die Puppenruhe?

    Viele Grüße


  • AD

    hey there. I am definitely not an expert but i have bred them a few times and the cocoons are definitely one tricky part. How have you been keeping them? Warm? (What temperature) Humid? Dryer and more humid alternatively? In my experience they are very very resistant to harsh conditions... so don't be afraid to "hurt" them. I had 2 small tricks that worked really well with synchronizing the emergences. You should always keep warm (+22°C) and i always kept them in a place with high humidity as their diapause is triggered by drought. Keep them like that for 2-3 weeks. In this time never get them wet, just the air humidity is enough. If you have been keeping them this way skip this step. After 2-3 weeks, give them a bath. Submerge them in 30-35°C water for 2-5 minutes. Then take them out and keep them in the high humidity space. Repeat the process every 2 days. You will have adults emerging in a week. The other option is to use a humidifier with the option of hot mist right under them. This is my favorite. Turn the humidifier on for 10-15 minutes twice a day every day. Hope it helps

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