Posts by Achillides

    Hallo Otmar,

    Danke für Tipp! Nachdem Wish und DHgate nix war, dort nicht mehr geschaut.
    Bei Ali sind Netze definitiv am besten! :thumbs_up:

    Das ist dort ja normal. Bei mir kamen schon Bestellungen nach 3 Monate an, auch vor Corona... :upside_down_face::grinning_squinting_face:
    2, 3 Wochen Lieferzeit im Durchschnitt Minimum. Dafür selbst mit Versand zum Ramschpreis...

    Super schnelle Lieferung, Service und alles 1A Qualität und Original Ware! :freudentanz::ironie:

    Hallo :winken:

    Kennt jemand aktuellen Händler bei dem ich günstig an diese "Insektenzuchtkästen" komme? :hilfe:

    Klar, brauch man nicht unbedingt. Fand diese mit Reißverschluss immer sehr praktisch. :face_with_rolling_eyes:
    Diese kann man daher easy zum Beispiel an Baum befestigen... :smiling_face_with_sunglasses:

    Bei Wish, Ebay, Amazon, DHgate geschaut.
    Günstigstes Angebot inkl. Versand 9,52 Euro pro Stück (bei 4).
    Naja, günstig ist anders... :wut:

    Vielleicht jemand eine Idee?
    Meine alter Online-Händler hatte mittlere für 4,95 Euro/Stück zzgl. Versand im Angebot... Der ist wohl mittlerweile in Rente.

    Jo! Und wenn das alles nicht Hilft.. Dann gibt es immer noch den netten Satz *Das gefährdet Arbeitsplätze*... Niemand hat die Absicht diese Menschen in die Datenarmut treiben... ? :grinning_squinting_face:

    Und wer hat jetzt einen Account bzw aktiven Kanal und nennt den vielleicht auch mal?
    Um WIEDER zu Marvins Anliegen zu kommen :upside_down_face:

    Mittlerweile bekommt man Eindruck bis auf Marvin keiner. *Weltklasse* :thumbs_up:

    Instagram, TicToc, Facebook oder Youtube?

    Fazit! +Alle haben recht+

    Das Anliegen war im übrigen:

    *dass jeder der möchte vielleicht mal hier seine Instagram Seite kurz vorstellt*

    Und nicht *Was haltet ihr von Instagram?*
    Leider habe ich keinen. Ansonsten hätte ich ihn schon solidarisch gepostet! :winken:


    Ja! Das fand ich auch blöd. Gebe ich auch immer ungern an. Habs dort ausnahmsweise gemacht.

    Sofern es was wird. Kannst natürlich gerne trotzdem Puppen haben. Hatte leider nur ein Weibchen. Aber bis jetzt ist es fleißig.
    Keine Garantie. Kann mich noch gut erinnern als ganze Generation Infektion zum Opfer gefallen ist...

    Bitte schreibt mich direkt an. Ansonsten vergesse ich das. So kann ich Mails im Postfach stehen lassen...
    Man wird bekanntlich nicht jünger!


    Nennt man das Japanstyle? LOL :grinning_squinting_face: Naja, ich finds schöner. Ist halt Geschmacksache. Japaner sagen immer die Europäer können nicht präparieren..... :angry_face:

    Fotos sind ganz normal mit Blitzlicht glaube gemacht. Eigentlich sehen die so aus wie abgebildet. Heinz, möchtest ein Weibchen haben? Hmmm, keine Ahnung es sind wie gesagt maackii tutuanus aus Hokkaido. Hokkaido ist eine Insel. Kann man aber auch als Nord-Japan bezeichnen. Sehr große Insel und Nähe "Hauptinsel" Japans. :face_with_rolling_eyes: Nicht mit Okinawa, Tokara Inseln usw. zu vergleichen. Maackii satakei kenne ich nicht.

    Von diesen Maackiis habe ich auch Farbvarianten/Aberration (wie auch immer man es nennt) mit noch extremeren Farben. Kommt vor jedoch sehr selten von 1000 Puppen ein Falter. Abgebildete sind normale Weibchen Frühling.

    Rudi, wenn du Interessse an Endless Collection hast, schreib mich bitte kurz an.


    Hi Rudi,

    en bissl schon. :grinning_squinting_face:

    Würde Heinz usw. Meinung interessieren. Früher hab ich sie auch mit 90C gespannt. Bin ich jedoch von abgekommen....

    Sind Papilio maackii tutanus. Eltern stammen aus Hokkaido (Nord-Japan). Normale Frühlingsform je weiter im Norden desto kleiner dafür farbenprächtiger.... Hokkaido ist schönste Frühjahrsform.

    Obwohl kühl und dunkel aufbewahrt sind die geschlüpft. Leider zu früh... :loudly_crying_face:

    Hi Alex,

    "google version" No guarantee :grinning_squinting_face:


    Photos of aberrations and GynandernMein scientific interest to all aberrations, shapes, and especially gynandromorphs of butterflies.
    Because these individuals are usually not sold, I try to at least get a good photo of it (jpg, if possible, resolution min. 1600 x 1200 pixels).
    These photos serve only to describe and explore the possible variation of lepidopteran and will not be disclosed on request.
    Who has such animals or photographs of them and would be willing to make these photos available to me?

    Helmut Top of quoting

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    Posts: 241

    First name: Matthias

    Country: Germany

    Saturday 5 April 2008, 20:54
    That also includes hybrid?
    It would also be very important to mention possibly bred with it, or if copies are meant only natural or "artificial" or "man" caused aberrations? Top of quoting

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    Posts: 20

    Sunday 6 April 2008, 10:07
    Hybrids do not really fall under the rubric aberrations, however, certain forms of selection and crossing with other subspecies can be strengthened. These hybrids are then once again interesting, albeit of limited scientific value. I am talking about just look at what's possible. In addition to natural forms are also artificially generated shapes to consider. It is important to determine what factors have any influence on the drawing. This definition does not have the well-known and researched of heat and cold forms of Vanesse.

    Helmut Top of quoting

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    Posts: 241

    First name: Matthias

    Country: Germany

    Sunday 6 April 2008, 10:43
    My recommendation would rather draw here very clear line and differentiate. Either scientific or not. Feasibility is too much ....
    So a Gynandromorph Papilio tokaraensis would still be interesting, even if he / she comes from breeding? Top of quoting

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    Juergen 0211


    Posts: 149

    First name: Jürgen

    Country: Germany

    Sunday 6 April 2008, 11:43
    Photos of GynandernHallo Helmut,

    I put a photo with 3 Mosaikzwittern G. cleopatra in the gallery.

    Gruß Jürgen Top of quoting

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    Posts: 16

    First name: Frederik

    Country: Belgium

    Sunday 6 April 2008, 20:18

    You can check for some nice aberrations and gynandromorphs here: in the left menu "special rarities.

    All the best,

    Fred It's nice to be important ...
    but it's more important to be nice! This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "fredge" (April 6, 2008, 20:19)

    Top of quoting

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    Posts: 20

    Monday, 7 April 2008, 13:42
    Hello Matthias,

    with the exact separation is such a thing. It is, for example, I know, no breeders succeeded by any influence or control factors create a Gynandromorphs "to". These are usually very rare chance products that result from an impaired cell division, we can not bein river.

    So a Gynandromorph Papilio tokaraensis would still be interesting, even if he / she comes from breeding? --- Yes, of course,
    and I would be glad also about an image.

    Helmut Top of quoting

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    Posts: 20

    Monday, 7 April 2008, 13:44
    RE: Photos of GynandernHallo Jurgen

    Congratulations to the beautiful Mosaikgynandern. I Have this image is already secured.

    Continue success
    Helmut Top of quoting

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    Posts: 20

    Monday, 7 April 2008, 13:52
    Hello Fred,

    I have known this nice page already. But Thank you anyway for the hint. To other interested entomologists have a chance to check it too.

    Best regards
    Helmut Top of quoting

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    Posts: 241

    First name: Matthias

    Country: Germany

    Monday, 7 April 2008, 20:09
    Hello Helmut,
    we say it this way.
    I've learned, it is very much possible. There is already crazy people in this world, especially with regard to this hobby. The inventiveness and imagination of many is not exactly small. Rightly or wrongly believe that an answer does not exist here.
    Once your breeding room / greenhouse is more like a laboratory, I believe it is critical ... : cool:
    In our regions we breed more butterflies because they have fun in nature.
    Others have just a different worldview, values, whatever .... we must accept it.
    Then I would narrow it at least on "farming without additives, is only a recommendation.
    Sure, send your picture.
    Matthias Top of quoting

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    Posts: 241

    First name: Matthias

    Country: Germany

    Monday, 7 April 2008, 20:20
    E-mail address would not be bad, of course: happy:
    Have no standing in profile .... This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "butiacapitata" (April 7, 2008, 20:21)

    Top of quoting

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    Posts: 96

    First name: Chris

    Country: Germany

    Saturday 3 May 2008, 18:34

    've Accidentally just found this link, and I thought maybe you know these two yet

    VG, Chris Top of quoting

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    Posts: 823

    First name: Francis

    Country: Germany

    Saturday 3 May 2008, 23:40
    Hi All,

    I find the Diskussuionen to Hybrid, so it is now for all kinds of creatures Ziehmlich boring when it's all about the look. Whether it is a unilateral or a mosaic Hybrid, while I do not care. Then only thing I find interesting about this phenomenon, is as the development of the egg with the distribution of chromosomes in such a case. But in this case so no one seems to do research.

    Franz Franz Ladda
    On the coupling 9
    22399 Hamburg
    Tel: 040 / 468825-00 (answering machine)
    "The world is full of surprises and new, I just hope most of it also may experience more" Top of quoting

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    Posts: 147

    First name: Renate

    Country: Germany

    Sunday, 4 May 2008, 09:11
    RE: Photos of aberrations and GynandernMoin!

    Here is another one I've seen a few days ago in Lepiforum. Yes you ask me, if you get the picture - if you are interested.

    Renate greetings from the north
    Renate Ridley ~ ~ ~ ~
    Just at the moment when the caterpillar thought the world was coming, she became a butterfly to top cite

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    Posts: 96

    First name: Chris

    Country: Germany

    Sunday, 4 May 2008, 12:14 PM
    Hello Fladda,

    look at halt-time link to my stands scho biserl what to chromosomes. (ja eig Gonosomenfehlverteilung)
    Otherwise, I think that the mechanisms that can lead to a misallocation during cell division, similar to humans.
    eg Klinefelter's syndrome. Trisomy 21 is also so similar. Gibts da countless examples, the bonding mechanisms (of chromosome breaks, improper arrangement during the anaphase and and and) are in fact adequately researched ..

    VG Chris Top of quoting

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    Papa Papillon


    Posts: 604

    First name: Marc

    Country: Switzerland

    Sunday, 4 May 2008, 12:41
    The specialist for Gynandromorphe is Dr. Wolfgang Nässig,
    Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Entomologie II, Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt, Tel. 069/7542323 069/7542323, FAX: 069/746238, wolfgang.naessig @

    I know he has a collection of pictures from gynandromorphs. Check it out: the album of the insects exchange in Frankfurt! Top of quoting

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    Posts: 8

    First name: Andre

    Country: Germany

    Monday, 5 May 2008, 19:27
    RE: Photos of aberrations and GynandernHallo Helmut,
    had drawn in 2006 Halbseitenzwitter of S. cynthia ricini.
    If the photo happy to provide. Request for email address.
    Andre Top of quoting

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    Posts: 34

    First name: jo

    Country: Germany

    Friday 6 June 2008, 12:13
    hermaphrodite Hello,

    have some how I can send you pictures?

    Gruß Joachim Top of quoting

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    Posts: 20

    Saturday 21 June 2008, 13:49
    RE: Hybrid Hello Joachim,

    Thank you for your offer. 'm Obviously very interested in your pictures of Gynandromorphen and told you why someone sent my email address for both your address, as communicated via the PN function of the forum.
    Let's hear it once from you!

    Helmut Top of quoting

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    Posts: 34

    First name: jo

    Country: Germany

    Tuesday, 1 July 2008, 00:04

    ill and busy, send the b.G. , So even a week.

    Gruß Joachim This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "joachim" (July 1, 2008, 00:05)

    Top of quoting

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    Posts: 20

    Tuesday, 1 July 2008, 19:29
    Hello Joachim,

    'm looking forward to the pictures. Please do not forget the data!
    Thank Dankim advance and a speedy recovery
    Helmut Top of quoting

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    Posts: 34

    First name: jo

    Country: Germany

    Wednesday 13 August 2008, 17:24

    I forgot the pictures. Is there still interest?

    Incidentally, I would like to sell, you have an idea?

    gruß Joachim Top of quoting

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    Posts: 20

    Thursday 14 August 2008, 19:40
    Hello Joachim,

    have received the images. Thank you very much!
    For Sale I can not really say much, perhaps more to help ebay!?
    But actually, the animals are too good to be sells at a loss to.


    Das bringt mich ein Stück weiter, danke.

    Lt. Google müsste es von folgenden in Japan vorkommenden sein:

    Chrysozephyrus brillantinus (Staudinger, 1887) HK HN SI KY
    Chrysozephyrus smaragdinus (Bremer, 1861) subsp. smaragdinus (Bremer, 1861) HK HN SI KY
    Chrysozephyrus hisamatsusanus (Nagami & Ishiga, 1935) HN SI KY
    Chrysozephyrus ataxus (Westwood, [185l])
    --------subsp. kirishimaensis (Okajima, 1922) HN SI KY Ts
    --------subsp. yakushimaensis (Yazaki, [1924]) Ya