Lebensdauer Actias dubernardi

  • AD

    Hallo Dieter,

    wie die meisten Saturniidaen leben die Falter je nach Temperatur nur einige Tage. Du kannst das Weibchen maximal 2 Tage im Kühlschrank paarungsbereit halten um auf ein Männchen zu warten.

    Danach verströmt das Weibchen zu wenig Pheromone um ein Männchen anzulocken. Ideal wäre es wenn ein Männchen schlüpft das 1 bis 2 Tage älter ist. Die Männchen sind auch länger im Kühlschrank "brauchbar". Wenn ein Pärchen am gleichen Tag schlüpft klappt eine Paarung meistens auch.

    Viel Erfolg Werner

    I've found dubernardi to be very problematic with the time they spend in the cocoon, when I've raised them, the

    larger portion will typically hatch within 4 to 6 weeks, and the remainder can take much longer, as far as mating,

    it has also proved problematic, with no particular method producing success, for example- fresh air, light breeze,

    temperature differences, all really at the whim of the moths themselves, the one time I have had pairings, the

    moths paired quickly and were not witnessed, even though I am able to check them easily and often, they must

    Have paired after midnight and separated before 9 am. If a second moth doesn't hatch within several days, the

    chances of mating decrease significantly.

    The hardest part for Dubernardi was having a male and female eclose around the same time. I have found the males without a female become panicky and will exhaust them selves by flying around and die with in 5 days while females being less panicky usually last up to a week. If you can get a pair to come out at the same time, they are not tricky to pair.

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