Actias luna: Eierablage


    Ich habe meinen Raupen beim einspinnen zugeschaut und habe jetzt gut zwei Hände voll Kokons. Darin entwickeln sich die Puppen und ich kann es kaum erwarten, bis die schönen schlüpfen. Aber einige Fragen beschäftigen mich jetzt schon noch, nämlich:

    Ist es ratsam den Käfig vorher irgendwie zu präparieren, damit sich die Falter wohl fühlen?

    Wenn sie ihren Zweck erfüllt haben, also die Kopulation stattgefunden hat, wo und wie legen sie ihre Eier ab? Kann ich hierfür etwas vorbereiten?

    Beste Grüße :smiling_face:

  • AD

    Ich habe meine actias luna in so einem Netz "käfig" den hab ich unten mit zewa ausgelegt damit er nicht so eingesaut wird 😅 dazu hab ich ein paar Zweige der futterplanze in wasser gestellt . Da wurden bei mir aber die wenigsten eier dran gelegt dafür überall im Käfig ob an den Wänden oder auf dem Boden...also eigentlich relativ unkompliziert

    Adult moths don't need many comforts. I use a large cage with a branch for hatching, although as often as not,

    the moths will climb on the cage sides. The fewer objects in the cage, the less likely they'll be damaged if

    they decide to fly about.

    Once copulated, it is typical for breeders to put the female in a paper sack once they separate, make sure the top

    is secure. This makes collecting ova easier, I often wait a couple nights, open the bag and gather the ova, I try

    to leave ova on the paper by cutting around groupings with a scissors, one must be careful removing ova

    from a solid surface like paper. unlike butterflies, most female moths don't require food plant to lay on.

    if you have Actias luna cocoons, they may overwinter depending on the light length the larva were exposed

    to, if you raised them outdoors, they'll probably overwinter at this point.

    Ich habe meine actias luna in so einem Netz "käfig" den hab ich unten mit zewa ausgelegt damit er nicht so eingesaut wird 😅 dazu hab ich ein paar Zweige der futterplanze in wasser gestellt . Da wurden bei mir aber die wenigsten eier dran gelegt dafür überall im Käfig ob an den Wänden oder auf dem Boden...also eigentlich relativ unkompliziert

    Same. Also ich habe es jetzt auch so gemacht: Zewa drunter, Futterpflanze mit rein. Danke für deine Antwort. Wie sammelst du die Eier dann ab?

    Thank you kevink for your input and the additional information. I raised them indoors. I'll see if they want to overwinter. If yes, what would be the best way iyo to store them?

    I read that interesting article about the manduca sexta where the scientists try to prove that the butterflies remember their past life as a caterpillar. that's why I thought maybe the actias moths "remember" too and love to lay ova on the foot plant. maybe I am projecting human behavior upon them beautiful beings.

    That article must have been interesting. I have doubts that an adult moth or butterfly can remember being

    a caterpillar. That sounds a bit like too much Zen to me.

    The depositing of ova by the respective groups is interesting, butterflies taste with their feet and with few exceptions

    only lay on food plant, some butterflies will drop ova near food plant, like Fritillaries. I have always wondered about

    the random laying of ova by female moths, while we as breeders put a female moth in a sack to lay, there must

    be something in nature that draws a female to the correct food plant, there are too many trees in the forest to

    hope eggs make it to the right one. I have had Sphinx lay on food plant when given a suitable one, and that was

    chosen over the sides of the enclosure, and recently I had Coloradia pandora do the same thing, depositing

    only on the pine provided.

    Overwintering temperate species is simple, I, and many others use the fridge, it's a controlled environment

    and predator free. Moisture and air are not needed, although some will try to keep humidity up, I use wet sponges.

    Your moths will either hatch, or overwinter, if they haven't hatched by the time the weather changes, I'd put them

    in cool storage until spring.

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