This is a Smerinthus szechuanus , male
Posts by pasreg
From Bauduen , it should be maurorum ...
Hyles euphorbiae euphorbiae , no doubt to me
Hello , styx is easy to rear on Ligustrum ( like atropos )
Hello Rudi ,
i would say E.flavicoma or E.duvalii ...but not sure
Regards , Pascal
this is Hyles hippophaes bienerti , all the other names are just individual or local forms , nothing else !
photo 12 is a Laothoe amurensis according to me ...
Dear Colleagues , Hello !
I expect to do an European map of the presence of Hyles hippophaes hippophaes and your help will be great !
if you have some locations to give me from France to Western Turkey ( Romania , Bulgaria and Greece included ) ,but only based by your personal observations or collections, that could be helpful to contribute for the comprehension of this Ssp !
Many Thanks , in advance !!!
you can directly contact me here :
Best Regards ,
Pascal Régnier ( France )
Hello Tomas ,
please to send photos , Thanks , Pascal
photos of this thread are amazing!!! congratulations to the author !
Hello Frank ,
I found on Fuerteventura Island 12 Larvae of Hyles tithymali tithymali in April 2013 ( L1 to L4 ) , i hope that it's not too early for you in March , but maybe this species is more common on Gran canaria and weather different of Fuerteventura ! good luck !
if you have some Pupae or ovae , i'm interested
I think that you're right Serge ...Foodplant is not very good at this moment ...I use Populus
Pascal -
Hello ,
I also have problems with the zize of the larvae of S.caecus ...i don't know if they have moulted 4 or 5 times , but the size of Larvae are going to pupate is ridiculous ( above 45 to 50 mm ) !
origin from Sergethe 5 Larvae i have from you Klaas are in L2/L3
Hyles vespertilio ? not at all it's Laothoe populi
seems to be a Hyles euphorbiae conspicua ....
yes it's a hyles Euphorbiae female , where is it from ?
Hello ,
according to me it's a female of Agrius Convolvuli ...
Regards ,
hello ,
This green form larva of Acherontia Atropos is interesting ...
hello , it's Sphinx Ligustri ...
Hello Rudy ,
thanks for the translation !
I've obtained in 1996 a partial second generation of Nicaea ( from France ) but the temterature of the room was 38-40 degrees !
I don't remeber how many moths emerged from this second generation...